Maximising marketing impact with Agile Target Operating Models (ATOMs)

Maximising marketing impact with Agile Target Operating Models (ATOMs)

A strategic approach for today’s challenges

Successful marketing operations hinge on creating a solid Target Operating Model (TOM) that aligns day-to-day activities with strategic goals, providing a flexible framework that links business vision to objectives and supports adaptability. At Bright, we help organisations through this process, collaborating with leading B2B companies to build Agile Target Operating Models (ATOMs).


In our latest white paper, we’ve distilled our knowledge into a practical guide on how to develop your own ATOM. It focuses on customer-centricity, improving your ways of working (and thinking), and building in continuous improvement to achieve marketing excellence.

With this ebook you gain:

  • a deep understanding of a Marketing ATOM

  • a blueprint to create your own Marketing ATOM

  • advice on creating your business case

  • tips to measure the effectiveness of your Marketing ATOM

Download the whitepaper today to start transforming your ways of working and drive better results!

Complete the form below to download the whitepaper

Alaina RobertsMaximising marketing impact with Agile Target Operating Models (ATOMs)
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Building high performing B2B teams: Powered by agile marketing

Building high performing B2B teams: Powered by agile marketing

The way you work directly impacts the results you achieve.

We’ve seen first-hand how agile marketing can transform teams, making them more resilient and able to achieve better outcomes.

So, we’ve created an exclusive checklist packed with industry insights and practical advice on how to build a high performing B2B team powered by agile marketing. Agile marketing offers a dynamic framework for navigating the complexities of large organisations. By fostering flexibility, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making, marketing teams can not only survive but thrive.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your team’s adaptability or drive better results, this helpful resource is designed to increase impact and inspire new, effective ways of working.

Click here to download the Agile Marketing Checklist as a PDF

At Bright, we’ve supported many B2B marketers to craft a new name for their solution. It can be an expensive mistake if you get it wrong, so if you’d like an expert to support you throughout the process, please get in touch.

Alaina RobertsBuilding high performing B2B teams: Powered by agile marketing
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FinTech marketing challenges – insights from industry roundtable

FinTech marketing challenges – insights from industry roundtable

We’re at a crossroads, it’s called H2. The numbers aren’t where they need to be, do you persevere or pivot. Persevere and have confidence in your current direction, pivot to respond to the immediate external pressures, or take a moment to step back and reassess. Re-evaluate your current state of play and your goals, and decide whether your strategy is supporting the business goals. 

With so many pressures on FinTech marketing leaders right now, what’s your plan? 

I recently attended an industry roundtable and wanted to share some of the insights into the key challenges FinTech marketers are facing right now.  

Implementation of AI in Marketing 

The roundtable discussed the implementation of AI, focusing on the “how” and “where” of integrating this technology. While there is a clear understanding of AI’s availability and potential, the main challenges lie in navigating its vast landscape. Data security and regulatory compliance are critical to any marketing initiative in financial services, given the importance of data access, data sharing, and the protection of proprietary information. 

Adapting to Market Changes 

Given the current turbulent market conditions, agility in marketing strategies was a key topic. There is a notable gap in the understanding of agile marketing, highlighting the need for education on proactive adaptation rather than reactive measures. The discussion underscored the importance of strategic decision-making—knowing when to pivot and when to persevere. Despite the necessity for immediate results, participants acknowledged that these expectations often misalign with market realities. Budget constraints for testing new strategies remain a significant challenge, but there was consensus on the need for bold investments and calculated risks, alongside smaller-scale testing. 

Market Performance and Inbound Inquiries 

The first half of the year has seen most businesses struggle, with a notable decline in inbound inquiries. This situation has led to a reassessment and realignment of targets for the second half of the year. 

Adoption of MarTech and SalesTech 

Adoption rates for marketing technology (MarTech) and sales technology (SalesTech) remain low. There was a robust discussion on the necessity of high-quality data and system interoperability. The group explored strategies to encourage sales teams to adopt new technologies, emphasising the need to clearly demonstrate the value these tools bring to their processes. One innovative approach discussed was the potential launch of a pilot campaign to align marketing and sales teams, ensuring a shared understanding of technology benefits. 

Marketing and Sales Alignment 

A recurring concern was the inefficiency of lead conversion. A significant proportion of leads handed over to sales teams fail to progress, raising questions about alignment between marketing and sales. With only about 10% of leads converting, the discussion centred on strategies to maintain engagement with the remaining 90% and the cost implications of generating these leads. Effective collaboration between marketing and sales is essential to improve lead nurturing and conversion rates. 

At Bright, we help businesses who are at a point when they want to see improvements in their effectiveness, efficiency or engagement but not sure how to move the dial. We believe that it’s the way your teams work that underpins your ability to adapt to change and drive results.  

By adopting agile marketing principles and practices, you can transform marketing within your organisation to boost collaboration, ensure continuous improvement and the become more empowered to demonstrate the value of marketing to the rest of the business. 

If you’re interested in learning how to upskill your marketing team, contact us about our FinTech Agile Marketing Training. 

Lydia KirbyFinTech marketing challenges – insights from industry roundtable
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Communicating marketing value to the C-Suite: A strategic and agile approach for B2B Marketers

Communicating marketing value to the C-Suite: A strategic and agile approach for B2B Marketers

In the dynamic landscape of B2B marketing, securing investment from the C-suite hinges on effectively communicating the value of marketing efforts. Senior marketers in mid to large firms must demonstrate a balance between short-term demand generation and long-term brand building while showcasing resilience and adaptability. 

The balanced approach: Brand building and demand generation 

To gain C-suite buy-in, illustrate a strategy that balances immediate needs with sustainable growth. Short-term demand generation drives sales and meets targets, whereas brand building enhances market positioning and fosters customer loyalty. This dual approach is akin to a balanced diet: quick fixes might offer immediate energy, but long-term vitality requires a sustainable approach. 

Effective communication strategies 

To communicate marketing value effectively, marketers should: 

  1. Align with business objectives: Ensure marketing strategies are directly linked to business goals. This alignment helps the C-suite see how marketing initiatives drive company success. 
  2. Utilise data-driven insights: Present concrete data that highlights the impact of marketing campaigns on lead generation, conversion rates, and ROI. Data-driven insights lend credibility and demonstrate tangible benefits. 
  3. Showcase success stories: Highlight real-life examples where marketing efforts have led to significant business outcomes. These success stories resonate with executives and illustrate practical benefits. 
  4. Focus on KPI: Track and present key performance indicators (KPIs) that demonstrate both short-term and long-term value. These include customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), brand awareness, and engagement rates. 

Understanding stakeholder needs 

Different stakeholders in the C-suite have varying requirements and priorities. Tailor your communication to address these needs effectively: 

  1. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): The CFO is focused on financial efficiency and return on investment. Highlight metrics like CAC, ROI, and LTV to demonstrate the financial impact of marketing activities. Show how marketing investments contribute to cost savings and revenue growth and establish agile budgeting to allow for adaptability.
  2. Chief Revenue Officer (CRO): The CRO prioritises revenue generation and sales performance. Emphasise metrics such as lead quality, conversion rates, and sales pipeline growth. Take a RevOps approach and showcase how marketing efforts drive high-quality leads and support the sales team’s objectives.
  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The CEO looks at the overall strategic vision and long-term growth. Present a balanced view of short-term results and long-term brand building. Highlight how marketing aligns with the company’s strategic goals and supports sustainable growth.

Demonstrating value over time 

Understanding and tracking the right KPIs is essential for demonstrating marketing value over time. Essential KPIs include: 

  1. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Measures the cost of acquiring a new customer. A lower CAC indicates more efficient marketing.
  2. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account. A higher LTV signifies greater long-term value and is influenced by retention and expansion metrics.
  3. Brand awareness: Metrics such as brand recognition, and social media engagement gauge the effectiveness of brand-building activities.
  4. Funnel metrics: Track performance at each stage of the buyer journey:
    a) Awareness stage: Impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and engagement rates.
    Consideration stage: Lead generation, cost per lead (CPL), and lead quality scores.
    c) Decision stage: Conversion rates, sales-qualified leads (SQLs), and win rates and value.
  5. Retention and expansion metrics: Key for understanding customer loyalty and growth potential:
    a) Retention rate: Measures the percentage of customers retained over a period.
    b) Churn rate: Indicates the percentage of customers lost over a period.
    c) Customer expansion: Tracks upsell and cross-sell success rates.
    d) Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measures customer satisfaction and loyalty, reflecting the long-term impact of brand-building efforts. 

6. Avoiding vanity metrics: Vanity metrics, such as social media likes and website traffic, can be misleading as they do not necessarily correlate with business growth. Focus on actionable metrics that provide insights into customer behaviour and business impact. 

Addressing budget cuts and resource reduction 

Budget cuts and headcount reductions can significantly impact marketing effectiveness. To manage these challenges: 

  1. Show consequences with data: Use data to project the business impact of budget cuts, illustrating how reductions might lead to fewer high-quality leads, lower brand engagement, and ultimately affect revenue. 
  2. Leverage agile budgeting: Adopt agile budgeting practices that allow for rapid scaling up or down based on market conditions. This approach ensures flexibility without compromising long-term goals. 
  3. Avoid tactical short-termism: Balance short-term needs with long-term brand-building activities to avoid focusing solely on immediate results. 

Building resilience in marketing teams 

In today’s ever-changing business environment, resilience is key. Resilient marketing teams adapt to shifts and support evolving objectives, reflecting positively in performance. Strategies include: 

  1. Embrace change: Foster a culture open to change and quick to adapt. Agile marketing practices, such as regular sprint reviews and iterative planning, help teams stay flexible and responsive. 
  2. Invest in your team: Continuous professional development ensures your team has the skills needed to navigate new challenges and leverage emerging opportunities. 
  3. Foster collaboration: Promote cross-functional teamwork to drive more effective and innovative marketing solutions. 

Agile marketing practices 

Embed agile marketing practices that are data-driven and focused on continuous improvement because the way your teams work underpins the results you achieve: 

  1. Experimentation and learning: Implement a test-and-learn approach to discover what works best and iterate based on findings. 
  2. Data-driven decision making: Use data from experiments to refine strategies and demonstrate business impact. 
  3. Collaborative cuts: Work with the C-suite to make informed, collaborative decisions about budget cuts, ensuring they are strategic and support long-term goals. 

And finally, lead by example 

Demonstrate a growth mindset, take the feedback given and work with it. B2B marketers must adopt a strategic approach to effectively communicate their value to the C-suite. By aligning marketing initiatives with business objectives, leveraging data-driven insights, focusing on meaningful KPIs, and adopting agile practices, marketers can secure the necessary investment for success. Understanding the specific needs of different stakeholders, avoiding vanity metrics, and demonstrating the tangible impact of marketing activities will ensure the C-suite recognises marketing as a critical driver of business growth. 

For more insights and agile marketing strategies, explore Bright’s Bright Ideas. By showcasing the strategic value of marketing, senior marketers can elevate their role and drive enduring success.  

Zoe MerchantCommunicating marketing value to the C-Suite: A strategic and agile approach for B2B Marketers
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Feeling stuck? How to reignite your marketing strategy for success

Feeling stuck?  How to reignite your  marketing strategy for success

You’ve got a solid strategy, and your team has put significant effort into executing it, but now you’re stuck. If that sounds familiar, this blog post might be just what you need to reignite your marketing strategy. Whether your strategy isn’t delivering the desired results, you’re struggling to make informed data-driven decisions, or finding it difficult to adapt to constant changes in the marketing landscape, we’ve compiled a list of models, tips, and tools to help you and your team improve your marketing effectiveness.

The power of SWOT analysis to understand your blockers

When feeling stuck, it’s often beneficial to step back and reflect. A SWOT analysis can uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, providing a solid foundation to reassess your current strategy.

How to conduct an effective SWOT analysis:

  • Strengths: Identify what your team excels at, what’s working well, the resources you have, and what sets your brand apart
  • Weaknesses: Be brutally honest about what’s not working. Identify skill or resource gaps, underperforming aspects of your strategy, and ineffective tools
  • Opportunities: Look for trends or new technologies to leverage, untapped markets or audience segments, and process improvements to boost team productivity
  • Threats: Consider internal and external factors that could impact your strategy, competitor activities, and potential market or economic shifts.

Next steps:

After conducting your SWOT analysis, prioritise the areas needing immediate attention. Develop action plans to address weaknesses and threats while capitalising on strengths and opportunities.

Optimising your customer journey through better use of MarTech


Focusing on the buyer journey allows you to make targeted improvements without undergoing a wholesale MarTech review. By enhancing specific stages of the journey and demonstrating results, you can build a strong case for more extensive updates later.

Next Steps:

Identify gaps or silos in your current toolset that hinder a seamless customer experience. Invest in tools that provide a unified view of the customer for a consistent and personalised approach across all touchpoints.

Leveraging Gen AI and existing features

Ensure your team fully understands the features of your current tools, including how to leverage generative AI to enhance your strategy. Gen AI can automate content creation, personalise customer interactions, and provide predictive analytics.

Next Steps:

  1. Educate your team: Provide training opportunities on the full feature set of your current tools, focusing on how to effectively use Gen AI
  2. Set clear guardrails: Establish guidelines for AI activation to ensure responsible and effective use. Define parameters for testing, learning, and scaling AI-driven initiatives
  3. Pilot projects: Start with small-scale AI projects to demonstrate value. For example, use AI to personalise email campaigns or create dynamic content for social media
  4. Measure impact: Track the performance of AI-driven projects using relevant metrics. Analyse results to refine your approach and expand successful strategies.

Staying agile: Adapting to market changes

Technology, customer behaviour and business priorities are evolving rapidly. Your team needs to be resilient to roll with the changes needed to make sure your marketing remains effective. Taking an agile marketing approach helps you pivot quickly and maintain relevance – the way your work underpins the results you can deliver.

Here’s how you can stay agile:

  1. Focus on customer value and business outcomes
  2. Deliver value early and often
  3. Learn through experiments and data
  4. Foster cross-functional collaboration
  5. Respond to change over following a static plan.

Next steps: Embrace a growth mindset within your team and establish agile marketing principals. Encourage continuous improvement using up-to-date information and cultivate an environment of creativity and flexibility. Consider Bright’s agile marketing training to empower your team with the knowledge and tools to kick-start their agile marketing journey.

Finally, stay motivated, keep learning and measure success

To reignite your marketing strategy and ensure long-term success, remain flexible and open to new ideas. Use Bright’s reframe cards to encourage conversations and spark new thinking, challenging the status quo.

Celebrate small wins to keep your team motivated. Foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, and view setbacks as opportunities to learn. By staying motivated and committed to continuous adaptation, you can navigate the dynamic marketing landscape and sustain marketing outcomes that drive your business goals. The key to a thriving marketing strategy lies in your ability to adapt, evolve and grow with the ever-changing market.



Bolly MethakittiworakunFeeling stuck? How to reignite your marketing strategy for success
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Crafting the perfect name: a guide to naming your solution

Crafting the perfect name: a guide to naming your solution

Developing a name for a new product or solution is a big responsibility. A good name will help entice your ideal customer, convey the product’s value and increase brand awareness.

Here’s our steps for getting it right.


At Bright, we’ve supported many B2B marketers to craft a new name for their solution. It can be an expensive mistake if you get it wrong, so if you’d like an expert to support you throughout the process, please get in touch.

Natalie CannatellaCrafting the perfect name: a guide to naming your solution
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Evolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner

Evolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner

The Bright B2B Marketing Leaders Dinner served as a vibrant forum for senior marketing professionals from the tech and consulting sectors to delve into discussions under Chatham House Rules. The event united leaders to share their priorities, successes, challenges, and insights, fostering a rich exchange of ideas over fine dining. The primary focus of the discussions was on the increasing necessity for agility and effectiveness within senior B2B marketing roles, highlighting key challenges and emerging trends across several critical areas.

This briefing note encapsulates the discussions, offering deeper insights into the challenges faced and the strategic approaches that have proven effective, both from the experiences shared by the leaders and the solutions provided by Bright to enhance marketing and business outcomes.

Key discussion themes and strategies for success:

Adapting to constant change and building resilience:

Leaders are grappling with an environment where market conditions, business requirements, and operational targets are perpetually evolving. Transparency about the constant nature of change is vital for fostering a resilient mindset within marketing teams and the wider business. Change fatigue, too much change and poorly communicated change is an issue in terms of realising the value of major business transformation programmes.

The conversation underscored that managing change isn’t just about responding reactively but proactively establishing agile ways of working that can adapt to change and shaping organisational culture to anticipate and embrace change as an ongoing opportunity.

Key strategies: 
Establish agile marketing practices and adapt them to your environment, conduct regular strategic reviews, and cultivate a culture that views change as a growth mechanism. Agile marketing methodologies enhance adaptability and operational efficiency, but you need robust change enablement communication strategies to support and accelerate any transitions.

Aligning KPIs and communicating effectively with the C-Suite:

It’s essential for marketing KPIs to resonate with C-suite executives and align with broader business goals, ensuring marketing is seen as a strategic partner rather than a cost centre.

Leaders discussed the challenge of bridging the communication gap between marketing functions and executive leadership, emphasising the need for metrics that clearly demonstrate marketing’s contribution to the company’s targets including CAGR in high growth firms whilst demonstrating bottom line savings through efficiencies and top line growth was important for corporate environments.

Key strategies:
Develop impactful KPIs and tailor communications to the C-suite’s interests. A regular reporting cadence and clear articulation of the value of marketing efforts, from short-term demand generation to long-term brand building, are crucial. Establishing Revenue Operations (RevOps) fosters cross-functional collaboration and alignment on common goals so that everyone is working towards the same goals and outcomes.

AI Usage and Activation:

The potential of AI to enhance efficiency and engagement in marketing is significant, yet its adoption is inconsistent across industries.

Discussion highlighted that while many are optimistic about AI’s potential, there is a clear need for a framework to systematically integrate and leverage these technologies effectively. Some organisations did not allow or limited use of AI which has held back the marketing teams abilities to realise operational efficiencies and test and learn to understand where effectiveness improvements can support greater engagement across the buyer journey and within the existing client base. Other organisations were unclear where AI would add value and the risk of distraction rather than AI adding value was an issue.

Key strategies: 
Effectively use existing AI tools, develop clear use cases, and implement the Bright AI Activation Framework for a structured test-and-learn approach. Foster an innovative and agile organisational culture to support technological shifts.

Internal friction and the impact on marketing effectiveness:

Interfacing agile marketing teams with non-agile departments often creates friction, with resistance from individual team members or leadership exacerbating the issue.

The leaders shared how internal friction can derail agile marketing initiatives and discussed strategies for overcoming resistance to change.

Key strategies: 
Showcase agile marketing’s business value, facilitate change enablement communications, and provide leadership training to agree how agile principles will be activated within the organisation. Foster a collaborative culture to reduce collaboration drag and amplify marketing effectiveness. A book recommendation to read on this topic is The Goal by Eliyahu M Goldratt written in a fast-paced thriller style which outlines the theory of constraint.

Harnessing new generation talent:

Integrating Generation Z into the workforce presents unique challenges due to their different expectations about career progression and workplace dynamics. This generation’s digital prowess and innovative potential are immense, but their career expectations can clash with traditional progression paths.

Key strategies: 
Set realistic career expectations, provide continuous feedback, create opportunities for quick wins, cultivate a learning environment, adapt retention strategies, and harness their digital skills for organisational benefit.

Strategic outlook:

The discussions not only illuminated the shared challenges among B2B marketing leaders but also showcased diverse and effective strategies for addressing these challenges. Bright continues to stand as the preferred partner in navigating these complex landscapes, offering strategic support and agile marketing solutions that drive successful outcomes.

Our next marketing leaders’ dinner this Autumn, will focus on “Effective AI Activation in B2B Marketing,” to understand and explore the practical application of AI technologies, by invitation only, request a place on the waiting list here 

Alaina RobertsEvolving strategies for marketing leadership: Insights from the Bright B2B leaders dinner
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How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function – Reading list

How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function  – Reading list

Welcome to a curated collection of inspiring and insightful reads and podcasts to help you boost the effectiveness of the marketing function within your organisation.


Measure What Matters by John Doerr 

Cannes Award Winners

Paul KeeganHow to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function – Reading list
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Bridging the gap: How agile marketing fuels next-level sales enablement with RevOps

Bridging the gap: How agile marketing fuels next-level sales enablement with RevOps

The age-old struggle for alignment between marketing and sales is a well-worn path. Marketing creates fantastic content and engaging campaigns but sales don’t use or support the initiatives. Sales feels relevant sales enablement resources are lacking, while marketing struggles to understand their needs. This disconnect hinders revenue growth; and this is the key point, we’re all in it together, and creates a frustrating experience for everyone involved.

The answer lies in a powerful combination: agile marketing, a robust sales enablement strategy, and the strategic integration of Revenue Operations (RevOps). RevOps takes a holistic approach, aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams across the entire customer lifecycle.

Building the foundation: communication & alignment

It all starts with open communication and clear alignment. Here’s what you need to establish a solid foundation through RevOps:

  • Shared objectives & metrics (OKRs/KPIs):RevOps facilitates the creation of common goals for marketing and sales, ensuring both teams understand and work towards the same business and revenue objectives. This fosters collaboration and a sense of shared responsibility.
  • Cross-functional collaboration:Talk to your sales colleagues, create trust and a closed feedback loop so you can continually improve things, together. RevOps ensures all departments are working together towards a common goal. This includes marketing, sales, customer service, and product development. By breaking down silos and encouraging communication between departments, RevOps can help to create a more cohesive and efficient organisation.
  • Change enablement communications:Establishing a robust internal communication strategy is essential to ensure employees will engage with changes within the organisations, ensuring anything from the introduction of new technology to a change in strategic direction, is successfully and sustainably implemented.
  • Consistent communication:Use internal channels (Teams, email, sales meetings) for short, regular updates. Organise events, virtual or actual, where you can mix and mingle and have open dialogue. Highlight content releases, showcase its value, and keep all teams informed on progress towards shared goals. 
  • Data-driven decisions:RevOps champions data-driven decision making. Analyse content performance with marketing automation tools to see what resonates with buyers. Use this data to refine messages and content formats in collaboration with both sales and marketing teams.

Empowering your sales force: The sales enablement arsenal

Agile marketing allows you to adapt and create content that directly addresses sales needs. Here are some key weapons in your sales enablement arsenal:

  • Competitor battlecards: create one-page summaries that compare your offering against competitors. This empowers sales to confidently address customer concerns and is readily available to sales reps through the CRM or a centralised content library.
  • Content for buyer roadblocks: Collaborate with sales to identify specific barriers in the sales process and validate through customer feedback. Create content (videos, infographics, interactive tools) that tackles these issues head-on (e.g., how your product streamlines ERP implementation).
  • Customer advocacy & case studies: Showcase success stories and customer insights. Develop short-form content for emails highlighting the importance of specific topics to your audience, the benefits of working with you, and quantifiable ROI.

Feedback loops: Continuous improvement for sales success

Don’t let content become a one-way street. Utilise feedback loops to gather insights and improve the effectiveness of your sales enablement efforts. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Post-demo surveys: Design and deploy post-demo surveys to capture feedback from prospects. This feedback helps understand if the demo addressed their needs and what additional information they require. Sales reps can then use this information for further engagement.
  • Seller kits: Create pre-made social media posts, messaging templates for outreach, and CRM snippets for easy content integration in the sales workflows. These seller kits ensure consistency and empower sales reps to leverage effective sales enablement content.

Personalisation & nurturing: Tailoring the buyer journey

For high-value accounts, go beyond generic content. Implement Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategies:

  • Personalised Web Pages: Create landing pages with the prospect’s branding or logo and highlight relevant client success stories in reports or ebooks. This personalisation fosters a stronger connection with the prospect.
  • Nurture Flows: Develop multi-channel nurture campaigns with at least seven touchpoints to stay top-of-mind and guide prospects through the buyer journey. Ensure accurate CRM data for effective nurturing and automate much of the nurture process. Regularly review and optimise nurture flows with marketing to maximise their impact.

Optimising personas & filling buyer journey gaps

Analyse your buyer journey to identify areas of underperformance in volume, velocity, and deal value. Here’s how to optimise:

  • Refine buyer personas: Conduct market research and analyse customer data to ensure your buyer personas are accurate and address the specific needs and challenges of your ideal customers.
  • Test & nudge: Experiment with different marketing tactics (e.g., email campaigns, social media efforts) to see how they impact prospect conversion.

Embrace experimentation: Start small and utilise an agile approach. Test different strategies and continuously iterate based on data and feedback. These article on experimentation in marketing and the experimentation framework offers valuable insights on building your experimentation strategy .

Tailoring the approach: Recognising team variations

Acknowledge that different teams may have varying needs in terms of content consumption and support:

  • Less experienced sales reps: May require more social selling support and easy-to-use digital tools. Create targeted training modules and readily accessible social media content templates.
  • Experienced sales leaders : May benefit more from ABM-focused content and strategies. Ensure they have the right tools and resources for personalised outreach to high-value accounts.

Conduct surveys, focus groups, or interviews regularly and during any discovery phase for campaigns to understand your sales team’s maturity and capabilities. Collaborate with existing sales operations initiatives (e.g., regular sales force surveys) to gather valuable data. Streamline these processes and ensure insights are shared effectively with both marketing and sales teams.

An empowered and united team

By adopting an agile marketing approach, building a robust sales enablement strategy, and leveraging the power of RevOps, you can transform the relationship between your marketing and sales teams.

This fosters collaboration, empowers sales to close deals more effectively, and ultimately drives revenue growth. Remember, it’s not about creating content or campaigns in a silo; it’s about creating a collaborative and aligned approach where marketing, sales, customer success, product and other revenue generating teams work together in perfect harmony to achieve a common goal: exceptional customer experiences and sustainable business growth.


Zoe MerchantBridging the gap: How agile marketing fuels next-level sales enablement with RevOps
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How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function

How to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function

Senior marketing leaders – Supercharge your marketing department with the game-changing strategies that can unleash hidden opportunities and eradicate inefficiency.

Watch on-demand to gain expert advice on:

  • What you gain with a more effective marketing function
  • The top 3 most important factors to transform your marketing function effectiveness
  • The proven tools to help you on your journey – including one we’ll give you for free!
  • How to get started

This is NOT your average marketing webinar. This is your chance to take your marketing from good to legendary in 2024!

Speaker: Lydia Kirby, Marketing Transformation Director and ICAgile Certified trainer

Download: Marketing Effectiveness Reframe Cards

Reframe Cards enable you and your team to have a different kind of conversation, re-think strategies or tactics and highlight learnings that you can take forward to optimise and generate better outcomes.

These Reframe Cards are focused on having conversations to help improve your marketing effectiveness, and empower your team to challenge their thinking. By changing their frame of mind to continually learn and grow, you can yield real business results and make a positive impact on your businesses bottom line.

Reading list

We’ve curated collection of inspiring and insightful reads and podcasts to help you boost the effectiveness of the marketing function within your organisation.

Access the reading list

Alaina RobertsHow to boost the effectiveness of your marketing function
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