Marketing Effectiveness Workshop:
Elevate your game in 2-hours

Welcome to a cutting-edge, 2-hour power session exclusively for the bold leaders of B2B marketing. Bright will roll out the red carpet for CMOs and senior marketers (up to 8 visionaries) to deep-dive into the future of marketing effectiveness and efficiency.

From just £2995, this game changing session is guaranteed to shake up your old ways of doing things to make way for a new, and impactful change that’s completely focused on hitting your specific goals and empowering your team.

Why this is the game changer you’ve been waiting for

The marketing world is in flux, with tech advancements and customer expectations rewriting the rulebook. You’re on the frontline, facing down:

Tech tsunamis

Use what you have better and seamlessly integrate AI without losing the human touch

Acquisition evolution

Crafting hyper-personalised, impactful strategies that cut through the noise and move from funnel to flywheel to maximise customer lifetime value

Brand vs. performance

Striking the balance between cultivating deep brand-based relationships and delivering on the bottom line

Remove defunct processes

Identifying and removing defunct processes and improve your agility and ways of working to deliver streamlined, adaptable and data-driven repeatable processes

Gear up for an interactive session that doesn’t just talk the talk but walks you through strategies, tools, and insights to tackle your challenges now and next to get more from your marketing.

How it works

Bright pre-workshop preparation

Planning in collaboration with your function lead to ensure you get the most from the session

2-hour expert-led interactive workshop with your team

Our experts will facilitate your session, tailored to your specific goals. Hosted virtually, or at your offices if in London

Post-workshop summary and action-oriented recommendations report 

Kickstart your marketing effectiveness journey with a clear plan of next steps


What’s the impact?

Elevate effectiveness

Sharpen your team’s ability to cut through noise, driving unparalleled marketing performance

Optimise resources

Master the art of leveraging your team and technology to produce symphonies, not silos

Cross-functional collaboration

Break down barriers to supercharge alignment across revenue generating teams, magnifying your marketing impact

Strategic clarity

 Crystalise priorities that resonate with your core business objectives, maximising marketing’s ROI and influence

This workshop will be focused on the areas that matter most to you, ensuring you and your team come away with practical new approaches and tools to help drive effectiveness, impact and ROI.

Zoe Merchant, MD, Bright

Session highlights

Spearheaded by experts

Imagine a brainstorm with the brightest minds in B2B marketing, offer bespoke insights and a tailored battle plan

Dynamic exchange

Picture a think tank where your ideas meet our strategies & accelerators to help identify quick-wins and longer-term priorities


This isn’t for everyone. Just you, your team, and a ticket to the forefront of marketing innovation

We’ve got experience across a variety of organisations

Let’s plan your marketing effectiveness workshop – contact us today

Get in touch about our 2-hour workshop or ask about our half-day bootcamp and take the first steps to boost the impact that your marketing team is having!

We can run the session either virtually to reach a global audience or on-site (if you have an office London).

Let’s kick start your journey with an initial call and see how we can get you on track to make a game changing impact.

Contact us today!

Alaina RobertsMarketing Effectiveness Workshop: Elevate your game in 2-hours