Unsticking your pipeline game plan

Let’s say you’ve got a healthy number of leads responding to your main call to action, but they all seem to be getting stuck at the top of your sales funnel? Now you’re struggling to keep them engaged after that first point of interaction and move them further down the funnel — what do you do?  

We’ve all been there. You’re not alone. Some sources such as Hubspot suggest you need between 6 – 9 touch points with B2B lead before you can secure first meeting. Join us to explore the secret sauce to great lead engagement — content. Building a consistent approach to content creation and comms outreach is the key to keeping your leads warm and easing them down your sales funnel.  

Download your one-page game plan to help you understand:

  • Who to target, why and how?  
  • The importance of buyer journey milestones 
  • How to use content at each stage of the pipeline 
  • Using communications to engage leads, faster 
  • Crafting value propositions and call-to-actions that entice 

You can also watch the on-demand bootcamp video here.

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Alexandra JefferiesAgile marketing bootcamp: Unsticking your pipeline – game plan