Bright Ideas

Embracing marketing agility: ADP’s strategic leap forward with Bright

Embracing marketing agility: ADP’s strategic leap forward with Bright

Embracing marketing agility: ADP’s strategic leap forward with Bright

The client

ADP, established in 1949 and listed on the NASDAQ, is a Fortune 500 company and a global leader in payroll services and HR solutions. With a heritage of over 75 years, ADP manages global operations across many countries and sectors. Partnering with Bright, ADP launched an ambitious initiative to instil agility within its International marketing team (known as ESI), improving responsiveness and aligning operations closely with sales and business goals.

The challenge

Facing the challenge of disparate international teams and varied operational practices, ADP’s ESI marketing function needed a realignment—not just in tools and processes but fundamentally in mindset. The goal was to transition from traditional practices to a more integrated, agile marketing approach that could unify global efforts and increase operational efficiency.

Graham Wylie, VP International Marketing said “By adopting agile practices, we can drive success, maximise our potential, and ensure our team remains innovative, efficient, and highly engaged. This transformation is vital for meeting the growing demands of our business and achieving our ambitious goals.“

Agile marketing has been a game changer for us. Whilst asking the teams to change their way of working was challenging at times, it bore fruit in the end once they understood that it’s not just about speed; it’s about being strategically aligned and responsive. The clarity and focus that Bright’s training brought have enabled us to be more adaptive and impactful.

Els Humphreys-Davies, the ESI Senior Director of Field Marketing and programme sponsor

The solution

Bright developed a bespoke agile marketing training and activation programme, tailored to the teams specific requirements and incorporating use cases that the ADP ESI marketing team would use as the pilots to activate the new ways of working and thinking.

The initiative began with an in-depth discovery phase, followed by an interactive agile marketing training programme delivered across the global marketing teams. Introducing the agile marketing principals and best practice in a way that fit the ADP ESI marketing environment, the programme focused on the role of experimentation and taking a test and learn approach, through measurement and KPIs to sustainably use agile to overcome barriers. Over 60 marketers worldwide were engaged in this transformative process.

Leadership engagement

A critical component of the solution was leadership training to help the marketing leadership team role model a growth mindset and allow the new ways of working to flourish. As well as embracing experimentation, reflecting the agile principles instilled across the function.

Activation and support

The training was hands-on, involving over 30 hours of virtual classroom instruction & interactive sessions segmented into five strategic modules. This approach ensured that the concepts taught were not only understood but also immediately implemented, fostering a learning-by- doing culture. Bright’s team, comprising B2B marketing practitioners and agile experts, provided ongoing practical support, particularly as teams transitioned into pilot phases, ensuring the new ways of working were successfully adopted and marketing effectiveness was enhanced.

The results

Agile marketing is not just a methodology; it’s a mindset that has helped propel the ADP international teams to new levels of excellence, delivering significant improvements across several key performance metrics:

  • Increased speed to market: Campaigns were launched faster, with a marked increase in creativity and innovation due to greater experimentation encouraged by a culture fostering curiosity and a growth mindset
  • Data-driven marketing: A strong emphasis on data-driven decisions and continuous improvement allowed the team to access campaign results during whilst the campaign was running and pivot activity, rather than waiting for final results.
  • Data-driven marketing: By prioritising data-driven decisions and continuous improvement, the marketing team gained real-time access to results, enabling them to adjust their strategies throughout the campaign.
  • Professional development: Marketers appreciated the investment in their skills and career development, acquiring valuable new capabilities that bolstered their professional growth
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Enhanced collaboration across the teams throughout campaign lifecycles aligned KPIs, shared regional learnings, and underscored the benefits of integrated marketing strategies.

Team insights

Els Humphreys-Davies, the ESI Senior Director of Field Marketing and programme sponsor, reflects on the journey: “Agile marketing has been a game changer for us. Whilst asking the teams to change their way of working was challenging at times, it bore fruit in the end once they understood that it’s not just about speed; it’s about being strategically aligned and responsive. The clarity and focus that Bright’s training brought have enabled us to be more adaptive and impactful.” Catharina Rozendaal, Marketing Growth Director for Emerging Markets, noted operational improvements: “Agile marketing allows me to reconnect with the wider marketing team faster. Using workflow tools and kanban boards means that projects & campaign information is centralised and accessible.”

Leadership perspective

Graham Wylie, VP of Marketing, whose vision was foundational to this initiative, reflected on its success: ” Agile marketing offers a method to enhance our capacity and efficiency without merely adding more staff or increasing costs. This approach allows us to continue delivering exceptional results while adapting to meet increased demands.”


Looking ahead, ADP ESI Marketing is committed to further refining agile marketing practices to continue driving operational efficiencies as well as ensuring they engage their audiences through effective marketing. The focus will be on scaling these successes to drive even greater business impact and market leadership.

ADP’s strategic partnership with Bright has redefined standards in agile marketing. By successfully integrating agile methodologies, ADP’s ESI marketing team has become more dynamic, empowered, and effective — driving both increased revenue for the business as well as operational efficiencies.

Find out more about how to inject more agility into your team with our agile marketing training

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Alaina RobertsEmbracing marketing agility: ADP’s strategic leap forward with Bright
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Agile marketing training drives 123% revenue increase for Informa Pharma showcase event

Agile marketing training drives 123% revenue increase for Informa Pharma showcase event

Agile marketing training drives 123% revenue increase for Informa Pharma showcase event

Discover how Informa Markets EMEA undertook a significant agile marketing training programme to upskill their marketing teams spanning 529 hours and 57 marketers with the help of Bright’s certified agile marketing trainers.

With newly empowered teams working more efficiently and effectively, the implementation pilot programmes had an impressive impact with outstanding results achieved, such as 123% year-over-year ticket revenue increase, an 34% increase in attendees (almost 54,000—their highest ever) and 17,000 more C-level target attendees.

The client

Informa Markets EMEA, part of Informa plc and a FTSE 100 company, operates in over 30 countries, with over 11,000 employees. Informa Markets enable people to connect, learn, and do business through events, digital services, and data solutions across various global sectors including healthcare and pharmaceuticals, energy, agriculture, hospitality, fashion and more.

The challenge

The pandemic significantly impacted Informa’s events business, requiring a reassessment of growth strategies. EMEA marketing leadership wanted their teams thinking and working differently, feeling inspired, be more adaptable to change, while improving efficiency and productivity.

Victoria Hardiment, Pharma Marketing Director, and a key driver of this programme within Informa, identified that adopting agile marketing methodologies would be the launchpad, however changing mindsets and habits isn’t an easy task. Certified agile marketing trainers from Bright were brought in to educate the leadership on the value of agile marketing and provide the skills and tools to the team to run their pilot programme.

“What an incredible result! Thank you for your hard work, expertise, and support… This year, we’ve changed everything about our campaign and approach to marketing.

Through our Agile Marketing Hubs, we’ve targeted our communications more, relaunched our digital touchpoints, tested and experimented. This has enabled increased engagement across all channels. I am so proud of the amazing marketing team who have worked tirelessly to innovate and deliver this brilliant result.”

Victoria Hardiment, Pharma Marketing Director

The solution

Bright aimed to revolutionise Informa Markets marketing through a certified agile training programme that empowered the teams to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately increasing revenue through improved audience engagement. Leadership buy-in was crucial for successful adoption, so the first step was to successfully engage this audience. The initial training programme targeted marketing directors from London, Amsterdam, and Dubai, across diverse sectors.

A discovery phase ensured the training messaging and content was customised to the team’s requirements, Bright developed a two-day interactive course demonstrating how agile practices improve audience engagement and drive more effective outcomes. Surveys and in-person feedback sessions were undertaken to gain insights, capture and address challenges, develop action plans, and create relevant content for the internal newsletter. Subsequent sessions were provided to local marketing teams launching pilot projects, introducing new agile practices and fostering a test-and-learn approach.

Delivered by Bright’s trainers, the ICAgile certified training was highly relevant, interactive, and engaging. It provided a robust understanding of agile marketing principles and best practices and identified practical use cases within the Informa workflow.

Learners gained practical tools, an easy-to-use playbook, and a set of resources and templates to activate the new ways of working and thinking. Accompanied with ongoing coaching, feedback, and support, teams felt confident in applying their new skills to real-life scenarios and during pilot programmes. The largest pilot, led by the Pharma team, served as a blueprint and focused on growing the showcase CPHI Europe event. Ambitious targets were set to measure the success of agile marketing adoption. Additional pilots were also initiated globally, including in healthcare, energy, and cityscape sectors.

Achieving tangible outcomes was essential to build a compelling business case for a more structured and widespread adoption of agile methodologies across Informa Markets.

The results

The outcomes of the newly adopted agile marketing approach are impressive. So far, 57 marketers have been trained, totalling 529 hours of training.

The Pharma marketing team applied agile methodologies to their showcase event, which delivered the best results ever achieved:

  • 123% year-over-year ticket revenue increase
  • 34% attendee increase (almost 54,000—their highest ever),
  • 17,000 more C-level target attendees.

Qualitative results were captured through regular retrospectives, reviewing what the team “liked,” “lacked,” and “learned.” Key collective learnings included the importance of:

  • Regular communications
  • Making room for creativity
  • Addressing risks and issues early to improve adaptability
  • Being agile not just doing agile
  • Establishing effective baselines for effective measurement.

Actions were then implemented to ensure continuous improvement.

Across other Informa Markets verticals pilot agile teams set specific objectives for their tactical campaigns which provided great learnings:

  • Cityscape Bahrain: Aimed to collect 1,000 leads. By the end of sprint two, they surpassed this goal, achieving 1,065 pieces.
  • Energy Nigeria: Targeted 2,800 leads but achieved only 1,000 learning to address risks and issues early, break down tasks to better understand priorities, and set seasonal targets.

These overall successful results have led to continued investment in agile marketing training and activation programmes across Informa Markets.

Find out more about how to inject more agility into your team with our agile marketing training

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Alaina RobertsAgile marketing training drives 123% revenue increase for Informa Pharma showcase event
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Up-skilling 5,500 employees across 14 time zones in a single day to become more data confident

Up-skilling 5,500 employees across 14 time zones in a single day to become more data confident

5,500 employees trained in a single day – the benefits of an agile approach

Informa is a globally recognised leader in events and digital services, a member of the FTSE 100 which operates in over 30 countries, with more than 11,000 employees. They teamed up with Bright, to launch a ground-breaking educational programme. Our joint mission was to transform Informa’s teams into data-savvy innovators. 

The challenge

Informa is on a journey to transform its business, creating products and services that meet the evolving needs of its customers. A crucial part of this transformation is empowering colleagues with cutting-edge technologies to harness the wealth of data at their disposal.  

Central to this initiative is IIRIS, a formidable platform that provides brands with access to a wealth of audience data. The executive team at Informa recognised the enormous potential of IIRIS and the need to strengthen colleagues’ data skills. To monetise the value of the array of data and tools at colleague’s disposal, we needed to create a focus on analysis, interpretation, and data-driven decision-making, giving the workforce the capabilities to maximise the benefits of the IIRIS platform. 

8,500+ hours of training across 33 countries in one day.

5,500 team members obtained their Green Belt certification.

Over 2,100 individuals proudly shared their certification on social media.

The solution

With the goal of honing data literacy, we initiated the playful yet impactful “Data Driven Journey” in Q4 2022. The objective? To spotlight data and nurture a data confident Informa workforce, fluent in Informa’s “Data, Insight, Action” framework.  

Unveiling this event across 33 countries and 14 time zones was a grand endeavour. Despite global and regional complexities, the Informa team aimed to train 5,000 colleagues worldwide in a single day, marking Informa’s largest one-day internal event.  

The training was gamified using a karate-belt grading system. Starting with the Green Belt level, this ‘dojo’ theme introduced an element of fun, fostering engagement and healthy competition among colleagues.  

The results

The first phase of this initiative was focused on participation and getting as many colleagues as possible Green Belt certified. The Data Driven Journey was the first event of its kind bringing together colleagues from across Informa’s divisions and territories.  

Colleagues from 33 countries took part, with 70% of the target audience learning about the data, insight, action framework. The team provided over 8,500 hours on training on one day alone worldwide. Upon completion of the event, 5,500 colleagues obtained their Green Belt certification.   

A notable ripple effect of the campaign was social sharing. Over 2,100 Informa colleagues showcased their Green Belt certification on social media platforms, amplifying employee engagement and propelling Informa’s reputation for comprehensive training and development.  


Through the collaboration, Informa and Bright have cultivated a reinvigorated, data-savvy workforce, alongside tangible metrics of success. This initiative sets a benchmark in employee engagement and data-driven innovation. 

Learn how Bright can help your organisation accelerate your marketing transformation.

Contact us today

Alaina RobertsUp-skilling 5,500 employees across 14 time zones in a single day to become more data confident
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100 days to implement Agile Marketing foundations within Informa PLC’s Pharma Marketing division

100 days to implement Agile Marketing foundations within Informa PLC’s Pharma Marketing division

100 days to implement Agile Marketing foundations within Informa PLC’s Pharma Marketing division

In a rapidly evolving landscape where innovation meets customer expectations head-on, Informa Pharma and Bright embarked on a groundbreaking journey of agility and adaptability. Informa is a globally recognised leader in events and digital services, a member of the FTSE 100 which operates in over 30 countries, with more than 11,000 employees.

The challenge

Informa Plc is a globally recognised leader in events and digital services, a member of the FTSE 100, which operates in over 30 countries, with more than 11,000 employees. One of Informa’s subsidiaries, Informa Markets, has a dynamic pharma marketing team. They were tasked with targeting the pharmaceutical sector with the challenges of a growing number of customer touchpoints and increasing customer expectations.

Their solution? A shift towards agile marketing practices to foster flexibility and responsiveness. 

We’re witnessing a shift in how our audiences interact with us not just joining our events but an increasing shift towards a long term, always-on relationship based on knowledge and access to critical insights. To thrive in this environment, we must be agile and adaptive, placing the customer at the centre of our strategy.

Victoria Hardiment, Pharma Marketing Director

The first phase

The first phase of the marketing transformation journey started by enabling the marketing leadership team with an awareness of agile marketing principles and best practices. This inspired Victoria Hardiment, Pharma Marketing Director, to delve further into how agile marketing could help the Pharma marketing team evolve their ways of working, secure better prioritisation, and use data to deliver greater business value ultimately.

The journey has been challenging but rewarding. We’ve successfully launched three pilot hubs and gained buy-in from all levels of seniority. The Scrumban method has facilitated our work tremendously, allowing us to launch our main event CPHI Europe registration earlier than ever.

Lizzie Knight, Agile Marketing Lead, Informa Pharma

Informa hired Lizzie Knight as an Agile Marketing Lead to pilot their agile transformation. Lizzie worked with Bright to launch a 100-day plan to lay the foundation for agile marketing adoption. The plan defined clear objectives and empowered the agile marketing hub teams with alignment to business goals.

Bright plays a crucial role in this transformative journey as an active practitioner, providing strategic support, training, coaching, and advisory services to the agile marketing lead. With deep expertise in agile marketing, they are reshaping the team’s marketing operations, resulting in effective outreach, increased engagement, and significant efficiency gains.

The results

With the roadmap defined and Bright enabling the change, the journey towards greater marketing agility to support the business with its ambitious growth plans is well and truly underway. The Pharma marketing team’s early experiences demonstrate the transformative power of agile marketing when well implemented. As the journey unfolds, agile marketing will continue to empower how they evolve and adapt in an ever-changing business landscape.

  1. Early launch of major event registration: Leveraging agile marketing methodologies to drive efficient execution and timely delivery
  2. Alignment around personas and segmentation: Refining marketing efforts by gaining deeper customer insights, improving both customer experience and journey
  3. Advanced tracking and reporting: Increased visibility of marketing activities and their impact on the business allowing the teams to take a test and learn approach to drive continual improvement
  4. Greater team alignment: Enhancing internal collaborations for a more seamless and efficient workflow

This is just the beginning of our journey into the world of agile marketing. We’re taking an ‘agile’ approach to our rollout; testing, learning, and iterating as we go. We’re excited to continue on this path, reap the benefits and share our experiences as we transform.

Victoria Hardiment, Pharma Marketing Director

Learn how Bright can help your organisation accelerate your marketing transformation.

Contact us today

Alaina Roberts100 days to implement Agile Marketing foundations within Informa PLC’s Pharma Marketing division
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Agile experimentation achieves 1030% increased engagement, 273 leads and 213% ROI

Agile experimentation achieves 1030% increased engagement, 273 leads and 213% ROI

Agile experimentation & audience development: Bright’s campaign strategy delivers impressive results for a publishing company  

The Challenge

A global B2B digital media company specialising in publishing and information sought to enhance brand awareness and drive subscription growth for three of their brands on LinkedIn and Meta platforms. To achieve this, Bright was challenged to create and execute a successful campaign that would elevate brand recognition and bolster subscriptions.

The Solution

Bright identified thought-leadership content as a key driver for lead acquisition, along with influencer engagement within each brand’s vertical. To drive subscriptions for the three brands, Bright implemented a 16-week campaign with 23 ad campaigns, each highlighting a unique topic and presented on a gated page to drive subscriptions.

Employing agile marketing principles and a collaborative team with capability from Bright and the publishing firm.  To adopt a test-and-learn approach, Bright collected valuable insights, including audience engagement with native platform gating vs. website gating and preferences for ad creative. Bright’s agile experimentation resulted in four varying creatives per campaign on average, with a focus on audience engagement and development. 


The Result

Bright’s tailored and targeted approach to paid media marketing delivered a significant impact by increasing brand awareness and subscriptions for the three brands. The application of a test-and-learn methodology enabled Bright to collect valuable data insights, which informed campaign optimisation efforts. By focusing on resonating with the target audiences, Bright was able to use these insights to achieve optimal campaign results.  


The paid media proof of concept campaign, generated:  

  • 1,490,724 impressions, resulting in 273 leads. 
  • An ROI of 213% based on the commercial value of acquired subscribers 
  • 1 of the brands’ LinkedIn page saw a 1030% increase in clicks YOY 
  • Another of the brands’ LinkedIn page experienced a 737% increase in followers YOY 

It has been a pleasure to work with the team at Bright. The outputs generated and performance we’ve seen is incredible. They’ve helped share their expertise and knowledge whilst injecting audience development and agile ways of working to upskill our existing marketing team.

Director of Engagement and Operations
Alexandra JefferiesAgile experimentation achieves 1030% increased engagement, 273 leads and 213% ROI
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Exceeding ARR £400k targets with agile marketing approach for SaaS business

Exceeding ARR £400k targets with agile marketing approach for SaaS business

An agile marketing approach to SaaS success for Reward Gateway

Reward Gateway, an employee engagement benefits solution provider, aimed to launch a new low-touch, scalable SaaS service for SME customers (Reward Gateway for Small Business known as RG4SB). They partnered with Bright to challenge their traditional campaign format and experiment with social media platforms, tone of voice, content, and incentives to understand how to reach and connect with their known and new audience personas.


Reward Gateway needed to take an audience centric approach to define themes and topics that appealed to the SME market, understand where and how existing content could be adapted and explore new marketing methods that could rapidly acquire clients and secure the Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) required to demonstrate success.

The Solution

Bright worked with the RG4SB team to rapidly research and understand the audience personas and implement an experimentation-based approach to test, learn, and optimise activities and processes in short sprint cycles to capitalise on learnings. Bright focused on setting experiments and optimising across social media, inbound marketing, events, nurture flows, high-value content, LinkedIn prospecting and a limited free trial offer. This meant RG4SB could reach the new SME audience and convert them through the sales funnel at each stage of the buyer journey.

The Result

  • Target ARR of £400,000 and 550 customers exceeded
  • 187 new paying business clients acquired
  • Individual membership increased by 3,454 (64% increase)

The limited free trial and associated campaign messaging significantly increased traffic and generated qualified leads, resulting in exceeding the target ARR. Combined with the agile marketing strategy implemented by the RG4SB and Bright which drove acquisition and reduced churn.

The approach from Bright has been a complete game-changer for us. We’ve seen growth both in audience engagement and sales. I have no doubt this is down to our new way of thinking and working.

Pippa Van Praagh, Product & Strategy Enablement Director at Reward Gateway
Sian HeaphyExceeding ARR £400k targets with agile marketing approach for SaaS business
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Positioning and re-brand for London City Airport

Positioning and re-brand for London City Airport

It’s About Time | Positioning and re-brand for London City Airport

The only airport located in the city; London City Airport opened its doors in 1987. Because of its proximity to Canary Wharf in Royal Docks, its operations are restricted, and its growth limited. As the airport has a steep approach and short runway, no airplane larger than an Airbus A318 can use the airport, and operating hours are limited due to noise restrictions, meaning the airport is often overlooked.

There is also a perception that London City Airport is just for business travellers rather than families and holiday makers.

Bright was challenged to help increase awareness, loyalty, and revenue to compete effectively through their two most prominent marketing elements: website and advertising; working with the airport’s internal marketing department and design agency Endeavour across this campaign.

Advertising campaign

The campaign depicts nine different customer personas reflecting the airport’s target audiences, from business travellers and young city breakers, to working parents and retired travellers, alongside ideas how they can put that time saved, by choosing London City Airport, to better use. The nine adverts have launched in the U.K. and key European markets, as well as print and digital outdoor sites owned by the airport and around London, including road-side panels at Euston, Canary Wharf and Holborn.


Raise awareness of London City Airport, increase the number of passengers, and position it as not just for business travel.

The Solution

Exploring the key benefits of London City Airport, we saw that its proximity to the city centre reduced travel times from home or work to the airport compared to competitor airports such as Gatwick and Heathrow. This allowed passengers to spend more time where they wanted to be – either at home or at their destination.

From our research and passenger persona exercises, we put together a series of user journeys and stories that we captured through informal photography. The accompanying copy, with tagline ‘it’s about time’, emphasised the concept of passengers spending their time how they wanted to, rather than on travel to the airport. The campaign ran across a range of media including out of home and print, and we then developed the creative into a series of tactical adverts promoting specific routes and destinations which ran digitally.

Customer experience is a priority for our business. To stay ahead of the game, we need to better understand customer wishes, needs and behaviours.

As the airport continues to diversify with new and exciting business and leisure routes, in addition to the core business traveller, we want to speak directly and in a very human way to new customers, who may not have considered the airport before, supported by an intuitive new website.

Cyrielle Wagenfuhr, Senior Marketing Manager at London City Airport
Alexandra JefferiesPositioning and re-brand for London City Airport
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Securing new pipeline and over £125k investment within 6 weeks for community platform Zapnito

Securing new pipeline and over £125k investment within 6 weeks for community platform Zapnito

Securing pipeline and over £125,000 in investment

The challenge

Zapnito needed to build a pipeline of investors to pursue for its seed-round funding while also raising interest and awareness of the company within the investor community. It was also key to build the CEO’s personal network for future brand-building and sales opportunities.


  • A 6 week agile-lead demand generation campaign established across the UK, US and Europe.
  • Rapid, iterative approach to optimise key messages and nurture investors towards conversion.
  • Established audience motivations and analysed the data to curate highly engaging and targeted communications.


  • 28 qualified, opted-in leads who were actively investing
  • 16 new meetings with prospective investors
  • 12 new angel investment groups
  • £125,000 in confirmed investment after 6 weeks
  • 320 warm contacts within the target criteria
  • Over 100 positive responses


in confirmed investment within 6 weeks

Alexandra JefferiesSecuring new pipeline and over £125k investment within 6 weeks for community platform Zapnito
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Transforming underperformance by embedding an agile marketing model

Transforming underperformance by embedding an agile marketing model

Agile marketing transformation programme


Softwire are a well established and innovative software engineering firm. With ambitious growth plans the leadership team wanted to understand how marketing could contribute best to supporting their business goals.

Softwire are traditional in their structure, with a business development sales team and dedicated marketing team focused on events, online and communication outreach. The leadership team wanted to understand the maturity of the marketing function and how they could best invest to create a marketing team that could adapt and move at pace to meet market change and scale as the business grew. They wanted to create a consistent approach to lead generation, try new tactics and use agile ways of working to get better results, help the in-house gain new experience and develop a culture of curiosity and continual improvement.


Bright ran a marketing diagnostic to assess and understanding Softwire’s marketing performance, results and capabilities. Working in conjunction with the in-house team to gather data, understand current marketing effectiveness and dig into the operational and martech barriers they faced. Whilst understanding the state of Softwire’s key markets, the competitive landscape and exploring perception of the Softwire brand through perception interviews with key contacts in clients, prospect accounts and channel partners.

Bright ran a number of workshops with senior stakeholders internally at Softwire to further understand key stakeholder experience of working with the marketing team, strengths and weaknesses and what marketing support would be best deployed to support business goals in future.

The diagnostic findings were synthesised and pulled into a strategic marketing plan, a roadmap for executing the plan along with recommendations for quick wins, medium and long term projects to transform the way marketing worked and the anticipated benefits to Softwire.

This was quickly translated into a marketing transformation programme with work streams that focused on transforming lead generation campaigning, data and targeting, content strategy, martech and lead management over a 4-6 month period.

Working with Bright to move towards an agile marketing model made total sense for Softwire. We benefit from being more adaptable, confident in our data driven decision making and have the ability to quickly improve areas of underperformance whilst the team remain focused on the activities that deliver against our business goals.

Andy Smart, Director

Transformation at pace

Rapidly evaluated and understood areas of strength and weakness within the Softwire marketing operation. Created a strategic approach and plan for rapidly transforming the marketing team by establishing KPI, fostered curiosity and embedding new ways of working.

Embarked on a 4 month transformation programme to work alongside the in-house team to transfer skills through learning whilst doing, embed agile ways of thinking and working whilst optimising the use of tools to improve marketing effectiveness, elevate the Softwire brand and build sales pipeline.

Broke down internal silos and created a cross functional agile marketing hub model bringing together the right people and skills to drive campaign success. Demonstrated results and drove continual improvement through data, insight, clear reporting and risk and issue management.

Data driven approach so that marketing contribution is clearly understood and how agile ways of working help them adapt and pivot to market change at pace, especially important post Covid. Regular updates to the leadership team helped them understand how best to invest and champion the new marketing approach.

Zoe MerchantTransforming underperformance by embedding an agile marketing model
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Accelerating GTM plans with agile marketing ways of working

Accelerating GTM plans with agile marketing ways of working

Creating a new proposition whilst embedding agile marketing at BMA


The BMA were launching a new commercial proposition with an unexplored target audience and needed to validate its proposition and get to market and demonstrate results quickly.

The BMA take a traditional approach to marketing with different specialist teams responsible for key aspects of marketing execution such as comms, member acquisition, digital, design etc. They wanted to use this campaign to be different, trying new tactics and embed agile ways of working.


Using our agile hub delivery model, we created a team of Bright agile experts and BMA marketing to support the delivery of a compelling value proposition and go to market campaign to deliver business objectives.

Bright worked with the BMA team in sprints to embed agile processes and ways of working to test, learn and build on key messages quickly and proactively. Bright provided on the ground and remote support to enable knowledge transfer supporting communication and cross-functional team collaboration to drive results.

Embedding agile marketing at the BMA

Embedding agile ways of working has transformed our marketing, helping us become more efficient and creative to hit stretch targets and take a new commercial proposition to market quickly

Adrian Brooks, Strategic Change Lead at the BMA


Introduced an agile marketing hub to lead the market campaign effort, starting with rapid proposition development to start to test, learn and improve the go to market approach within a few weeks.

Established commercial KPIs so it was easy to understand areas of over and under achievement to support continual improvements that drove results at pace.

Focused on transfer of agile marketing know how and cultural impact of change through collaborative working and leadership support.

Proved the hypothesis that the BMA could develop, launch and scale a commercial proposition and established strong revenue streams for the future

Sian HeaphyAccelerating GTM plans with agile marketing ways of working
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