Bright Ideas

Agile marketing drives repositioning

Agile marketing drives repositioning

Perception as a spring board for repositioning

Founded in 2005, Mint Digital helps companies create and grow standout digital products and services. As the digital landscape has changed, Mint Digital has adapted and evolved to meet its demands. International expansion and the launch of new services meant the company had diversified and the senior team were keen to find out how this had impacted perception of them in the market.

Key to the project was that Mint Digital ended up with refreshed compelling, credible and up-to-date positioning messaging, that would give them a strong platform to drive the business forward.

The team at Bright were great to work with and very professional. The diagnostic was insightful, and the final workshop rounded everything off, helping us to shape our core messages.

Noam Sohachevsky, Director

Digging deeper into perception

Bright conducted a perception audit using an agile marketing approach to get maximum value and insight quickly. The perception audit focused on interviews with key customers, prospects and influencers. Using a customised series of questions that iterated and evolved with each piece of feedback. The questionnaire explored perceptions around the brand including strengths, perceived weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Once the responses had been collected and collated, they formed the basis of a positioning and messaging session facilitated by Bright. The session used the key areas of strength and opportunity as the basis for a messaging architecture to take them forward in future.

Customer centric messaging

The perception audit, messaging workshop and the architecture created from its findings, enabled Mint Digital to align its messages to its audiences’ needs creating a customer centric approach and provided the following business benefits:

  • Insight into what its target audience really thought
  • Identified new market entrant opportunities
  • Valuable and actionable feedback to sharpen its delivery
  • Compelling, credible and up to date messaging
  • Repositioning strategy
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Sian HeaphyAgile marketing drives repositioning
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